
How Coaching Works

Our expertise is in the area of change. We believe actual change comes with tools and information in a holistically focused, supportive environment. This should be followed by practice in real life situations. We will show you how to put your ideas and what you learn into action.

We get to know each other, outline your goals and understand the coaching process, Where are you right now and where do you want to go? Past attempts and visions you have for the future are discussed. 

We discuss fees and the services that are best suited for your situation, create strategies that meet your needs and lifestyle in order to overcome barriers and roadblocks to success. Then we can work together to develop communication, routine and new habits. In between our sessions you will utilize opportunities for homework & practice!

1 – Consultation: The purpose of the consultation is simple: to evaluate your situation and agree on an approach.

2 – Disclosure Statement and New Client Forms: Coaching or Services Agreement. This Agreement is a document that outlines each of our roles and expectations in this partnership. 

3 – Discovery & Awareness: Your goals define our role – We provide support and realistic, appropriate tools: individual success is determined by honesty, choices and actions. You may discover beliefs that have been in your way and approach life from a new perspective. 

4 – Options: Together we explore all available options best suited and most effective for your personality, lifestyle, and goals. 

5 – Taking Action: Following a plan, you will have help and guidance. 

6 – Accountability: Our time together is about coming to terms with your own personal strengths and removing old ideas. You become self-aware. You learn. You will gain confidence with the tools you now possess to continue on your journey.

7 – Celebrate Transformation! One of the best things about change is taking time to celebrate. You will undergo a major transformation and be on a path to the life you envisioned, embrace it!


A few examples: 

YOUR GOAL – “My current plan is not working for me and I want to recreate it.” MY ROLE – If your current plan is not working for you, you may feel guilty and ashamed or believe you are doing something wrong. It is likely that you just need to try some different things. An individual plan must be assessed continually and modified as necessary to ensure that it meets changing needs.

YOUR GOAL – “I would like __________, but I have no idea how to attain that.” MY ROLE – Lots of people dream of being a different person in some way, happier in an area of their life. Coaching works to open up avenues of travel leading to that dream. 

YOUR GOAL – “I want to stop using ________” MY ROLE – We will explore why you want to stop, what the pros and cons are of giving up addictions. This can be alcohol, drugs, anger, food, shopping, people pleasing, anything is coach-able! We define what life without this looks like to you. Everyone will be unique. A common example is rebuilding relationships with family, not losing a job or a home or not wanting to repeat the same mistakes that are causing yourself or those around you unhappiness. 

YOUR GOAL – “I want to create or enhance meaning and purpose in my life.” MY ROLE – Many people who begin coaching report they “lack meaning and purpose”. Studies suggest that having meaning and purpose plays a very important role in overall well-being. We can help you find that motivation and assist you to take action.

YOUR GOAL – “I have stopped __________, but I feel stagnant and I am bored.” MY ROLE – Lots of people coast along and find themselves getting lazy or complacent. For some, recovery can become boring or monotonous. This can be a dangerous time and requires self-reflection on both your recovery and other life goals.

Ready to get started? For final information please read through our Professional Disclosure.

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